Awww I'm late :( If you need a worker for the same possition I would really love to know it, I'm really interesting with this job, sadly I was late to read this job vacancy :( I'm passionate in design, mostly photography, and commercial photo editing. Please let me know if you have another vacancy
Ini cuma buat yang udah sarjana ya gan ? Ane padahal minat banget, ane baru lulus SMK jurusan Multimedia tapi lebih spesifik ke desain grafis. Ane punya personal portfolio & udah punya beberapa pengalaman kerja di beberapa tempat, ane juga bisa basic video editing & photography + retouch. K
What's the named of the company Sir ? Honestly I'm very interested with this job, but I'm bad at 'programming', I only could make graphic design, web design, or anything about interface and I have personal online portfolio too. Now I'm currently graduated from vocational high school of design. I as