bos.. mo tny.. macro bwt bli barang gmn y?\njd buka pub, gt... misal nih bli red pot @100z\nkalo ad yg trans dia deal in, trs kalo dia kasi itu barang 1 biji ya bayarnya 1 biji, tp kalo lebih dr 1 misalnya 100 nih ya dia bayar 10.000z\nand klo dia trans bukan red pot (selain red pot) ...
\n\nd tambahin ini di conf\n\nteleportAuto_hp 0\nteleportAuto_sp 0\nteleportAuto_idle 0\nteleportAuto_portal 0\nteleportAuto_search 0\nteleport_search 0\nteleportAuto_minAggressives 0\nteleportAuto_minAggressivesInLock 0\nteleportAuto_onlyWhenSafe 0...
\n\nops sori salah..\nitu status weight < 99%\ndi ganti ama weight < 99%\nhehehe...:o\n\nkalo kaga di apus juga boleh...
\n\ncoba ini\n\nautomacro warp {\nstatus weight < 99%\nlocation (nama kota pertama x lo login)\ntimeout 100\ncall {\ndo c @pk\npause 1\ndo c @warp (nama map tujuan)\npause 1\ndo reload mac\n}\n}\n\n\nato kalo ga yang ini...
\n\nbuset............ pusing............. T.T\nngeliat na ud pusing gw... wkakawkaw...\n\ndo eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{deal} = int(($::char->{'weight_max'} - $::char->{'weight'}) * 95 / 100 / $itemWeight )\n\n\nitu ats mksd nya ngapain...
\n\n\n\nautomacro 2 {\nset macro_delay 0.01\nstatus not Energy Coat\nlocation payon\nweight <= 50%\nconsole /Type 'deal' to start dealing, or 'deal no' to deny the deal./\ncall {\ndo deal\npause 30\ndo deal no\n}\n...
@macromacker\n\nstorevalue = @storamount ($item)\n $invitem = @invamount ($item)\n $eval = @eval ($invitem + $storevalue)\n\n if ($eval < 30000) goto ok\n $eval2 = @eval (30000 - $storevalue)\n\nbole tau fungsi2 nya??\nkaga paham @_@ :berbusa: :berbusa::...
\n\nitu ga perlu pake macro kk, pake config jg bisa...\ntaro di bwh na storage auto\n\ngetAuto Red Potion {\n minAmount 10\n maxAmount 50\n passive 0\n}
bah double post --a\neh mo tanya donk...\ngini2...\ngw bkin macro bkin elu ama ori\n\nnah ini macro na:\n\n\n\nautomacro 11 {\n set macro_delay 0.001\n location payon\n inventory "Rough Oridecon" < 5\n timeout 100\n call 222\...
\n\nautomacro betulin {\ninventory "BROKEN VVS Wind Two-handed Axe" > 0\ncall repair\ndelay 3\ntimeout 100\n}\n\nmacro repair {\ndo ss 108\npause 3\nrelease betulin\n}
\n\nya.. kalo pause 1, brati nunggu 1 detik baru dia whsip lg kan? tapi jeleknya pause, brati char lo diem juga ky patung bener ga? muup klo sala :o masi pemula :D
\n\nya itu... mksd na tuh warp bwt diri sendiri, mala terganggu ternyata dgn timeoutnya... gmn tuh kk? kasi run-once 1???\ngw kasi 2 macro malah.. yg satu nya abis storage dia buka warp n masuk..\nbwt jaga2.. hehehe
\n\n\nif (@invamount(Blue Gemstone) == 0) goto nogem\n$warpslot = 3\n:gem\n$herex = @eval ($mex + $posx)\ndo warp $warpslot\nitu mksd nya bwt apa y kk? ga paham ==a\ntrus overaulth nya kalo di kasi nama saya, saya command ke botnya pake apa? whisper?\ncomma...
\n\nhahaa.. inet mati.. patah2.. ga bs buka web kasian sekali gw T.T\n\nini editan gw hehehe.. ^^\n\n\nautomacro warpgh {\n location morocc\n inventory "Blue Gemstone" > 1\n timeout 1000\n call warpin\n}\n\nmacro warpin {\n ...
\n\n\n# See the documentation for what these variables do.\n# New variables have comments above them.\n\n######## Login options and server-specific options ########\n\nmaster Indonesia - idRO: Pvp Server\nserver 0\nusername \npassword \nchar 2\n...