hasil nge -mix disela-sela jam kerja nih gan....silahkan di cekidot, boleh juga disedot. setlist: scary monsters and nice sprites (noisia remix) high rankin - digital sex skrillex ft 12th planet - needed change santo gold - creator M.I.A - xr2 Major lazer - pod de floor tiesto n diplo - c'mo...
Those Shocking Shaking Days: Indonesian Hard, Psychedelic, Progressive Rock And Funk 1970-1978 http://depositfiles.com/en/files/13jvf3xpa PARAAHHHH keren bgt nih gan!!! thx yaw udah di share....
Kuntidub - excision ft. suzana "get to the lengser wengi" (toxicologie rmx) http://S E N S O Rtoxicologie/kuntidub-excision-ft-suzana iseng-iseng aja gan hehehehehee
seperti terbang menunggangi gajah warna-warni bersama mohatma gandhi.... thx gan rekomendasinya,ane bantu tongolin deh heheheheee
gan mau share satu genre dnb yang gw suka nih, namanya J-TEK (Jungle Techno) musiknya rada gelap dengan ketukan drum jungle tapi dengan bpm yg lebih pelan, asoy nih buat basian hehehehee buat produser lainnya bisa cek disini nih : http://S E N S O Rgroups/j-tek
london elektricity - just one second (apex VIP remix), baru releas januari taun depan tp link downloadnya udh banyak heheheee....
buat tutorial bikin wobble bass banyak kok di youtube. bisa cek langsung aja di youtube search wordnya "how to make wobble bass" atau apalah...Yang pake abl;eto live bisa pake massive dan yang pake reason bisa pake thor. contohnya ini : wobble bass with massive : atau buat yg pake reas...
professor green and the street bloody wicked dude!! ane jg lg suka bgt sama professor green apalagi lagu jungle-nya muantappp...
Mau sharing ep pertama producer dnb favorit ane nih gan, MATRIK. METRIK - THE DEPARTURE EP VPR031/VPR032 AVAILABLE ON 2 x 12" VINYL & 7 x DIGITAL DOWNLOAD OUT: 29TH NOV 2010 EXCLUSIVELY ON VIPER RECORDINGS SHOP http://www.viperrecordings.co.uk/shop 6TH DEC 2010 EVERYWHERE VINYL: VPR031: T-1...