\n\nThe idea is that if you have written something in English--preferably a short something, like a paragraph or two--and you want to see whether what you have written is correct, then post it here for others to comment on it.
\n\n\nYes, it's true that MS Word's grammar-checking capabilities are limited, but they do have some value, as in this case. If, as you say, you "usually" see a warning that you should consider rewriting sentence fragments (which is what I think you are reporting, ...
\n\nIn\n\n\n\nYou could always compare your translation to the English version on Wikipedia:\n\nhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27arc_en_ciel\n\n\nOtherwise, have a look at these changes:\n\nL'Arc-en-Ciel is the name of a Japanese J-Rock ban...
\n\nEach user's profile includes links to his or her posts and threads that he or she started.\n\n\n\nAh, okay. So you are asking about proper writing style for scientific papers, reports, etc. You could describe or refer to the style as expository writing, or formal ...
\n\n\nWell, Mr. Exhibit--I mean, xzibit!--before we get to that, please accept my contratulations on starting a thread about football/soccer that attracted 147,960 views and 40,228 replies. WTF. That's like the population of a small European city reading one Kaskus thread. Very i...
\n\nYes, well, I like to be helpful, but when it's related to business/corporate communication, maybe not too helpful.\n\nNot to be overly dramatic, mind you, but business in general and large corporations in particular create far more problems than they ever solve. They are ...
\n\n\nHmm. Professor, eh. \n\nWell, s/he's not a professor of English (I hope), nor a native speaker of the language, but what's being communicated is fairly clear. The phrasing is a bit odd, though, here and there.\n\nThese are non-standard or otherwise uncl...
\n\n\nAre you asking that these paragraphs be edited to reflect standard English? If so, then....\n\n\nThe Plastic Brain Edited version\n\nA long time ago, our most vital organ, the brain, was regarded as a machine; it couldn`t change or grow. all it could do just ...
\n\n\nThis is the best suggestion I've read in this entire thread. In part, I like to learn more Indonesian by reading novels. Luckily, there are more good novels in Indonesian now than in past years.\n\nThere are no shortcuts to grammar. There are too many exceptions, so...