sizenya kagak nahan wah bener gan,,10an mb..saya juga gak nyangka jurnalnya bakal segede ini size-nya..setara 1 lagu 320 kbps nih..hahaha but, bagaimanapun..makasih bgt yaa..
Agan minta tolong yaa.. Judul : Determinants of MIS Employees' Turnover Intentions: A Structural Equation Model. Author : Magid Igbaria, Jeffrey H. Greenhaus Communications of the ACM, Vol. 35, No. 2. (February 1992), pp. 35-49 URL :
mohon bantuan jurnal ini agan.. Title : An investigation of the process of employee withdrawal Author : Philip G. Benson and Samuel B. Pond, III Journal of Business and Psychology Spring, 1987, Volume 1, Issue 3, pp 218-229 URL : atau disini ju