Kenapa agan tidak panggil Partner Sex saja sebagai guru pengajar ml ?.:bingungs Kayaknya dia yang lebih tahu soal ml karena lebih tua, gan.:malus Kalau dapat cewek kayak gitu, agan harus lebih mendalami ilmu pengetahuan ml agar lebih dewasa.:ngakak Jadi bukan sekedar hubungan intim biasa, hubunga...
itu mah cuma fantasi agan aja yang terlalu.. tar juga ketemu yang seumur labih yahud pindah arah deh.. Ga tau deh gan, tp ane pernah nyoba buat suka sm cewej2 di sekolah ane malah ga bisa gan,,ga tau ane kno terobsesi bgt ama kakak sepupu ane...*_*
Pokoknya jangan lu e*tot gan, kasian kalo nanti ketauan, die yg masuk penjara, bukan elu, dan ingat lu msh 17, "under age" dimata hukum. Setau ane 18 baru di anggap dewasa (mohon koreksi bila salah) Good luck gan, sista lu cantik, berat pasti godaan tetap jalan di jalan lurus, relain aja
First time is very important... Make sure you dont waste it on ho... Make sure also you do a god job or it will haunt you for the rest of your life... Its like a debut on a profesioanl football game. Dont make a mistake so the opponent can score, dont get red carded, and make sure you last until ...
Dont share it... Its her privacy man.... Like i said a pictur of you together will be perfect.. But since yo dont have one.. just skip it They didn;t believe because a lot of dude post a similer problem but with a different detail. So.. Yah dimaklum Thx dude, i ll not share it
gimana mau cerita, lha wong kenal juga enggak :ngakaks Kaga ngarti ane gan, kl ga ada input ga usah komen gan ;)
berhubung banyak yang bilang ini cerita hoax. ane sumpah ini benar2 kejadian sama ane gan. Kalau mau ane bisa share fb sm ym kakak ane spy ga di bilang hoax!, tp ada syaratnya gan,,jangan cerita macem2 ke doi, gmn??
Gan, kalo udah meluk2 sampe nempelin barang kayak gitu kenapa gak langsung sekalian aja?? Tanggung ah Lu, udah ada kesempatan gak dimanfaatin :capedes masalahnya gw takut gan :sorry,,ane ga pernah yg macem2 sebelumnya,,masih bau kencur banget...nafsu sih udh di ubun2,,tp takutnya kl gw nekat, bisa2
sebelum otak lu jd ga sehat dan isinya nafsu buat cabulin sepupu lu sendiri mendingan lu pindah temp tinggal dah atau lu pindah tdr di sofa atau di luar kamar dia wakakaka, sekuat" lu nahan kalo tiap hr lu sendiri yg menjerumuskan diri buat nyoba dikit" dan makin lama akhirnya lu rudapa...
I know your not gonna.. But dude you know woman... Somitemes they act irationally right. Im not sure about the happiest thing Im still a virgin at your age, and still wonder what xxx feels like. The side effect is also kind a hard to handle.. its addicting. Its easier to control when you older...
I think you should consider the "Don't shit where you eat" things. Just say she doesn't like it or your relationship got bad. What if one day she have a boyfriend?? What if she tell her parents that you rape her etc?? We know women sometimes do something unexpected... But for what I kno
If things were different.. It will be a lot easier eh.. Hmmm. Maybe you can say.. Can I go more than just a hug tonight..... Wkwkwk means that the term "dont shit where u eat" doesn't apply to me!!
:1thumbup mantaff gan I think, it should be Good luck and have a freaky "XXX" :ngakak U may say freaky coz it is not happening to u wkwkwk well anyway i would not move further than this
Since you aware of the risk and stuff lets skip away about asking what you should do here.. Lets get into when should you ask, and how you say it to her right.... I certainly never judge a weather a woman horny or not by her word, More by her act, her face etc. Alcohol would help, but dont get you
coii inget lu udah diangkat ama pamannya.. respect dikit dong... :) Iye gan ane sadar banget soal itu, ane jg berutung n terima kasih bgt bisa di sekolahin ampe ke luar. Tp stimulan dr kakak ane ini yg bikin gw puyeng banget. Kl agan baca komen ane sebelumnya, yg kakak ane iseng striptease depan an
Just say i believe what happen bro... Guess we start on the wrong foot before. I can understand why you want her, perfectly normal. She's hot right? About shes getting horny? you need more than just a girl to make her horny, but then again you on a better place to make that judgement. How you res
wah jangan gan... gimana cantiknya pun dia saudara agan... hormati dia sebagai kakak agan entah itu TIRI apalagi klo kandung... Iya gan ane ngerti tp ane heran jg sm kakak ane ini gan, sumpah gw dh sering bgt tempelin dede gw tiap kali bobo sm dia, tp dia cuman diem aja, pas bangun pagi2 pun dia
mnrt ane sih gpp... tapi sbg cowo jgn asal sruduk lah, lagian masih kluarga... coba lu buat relation yg serius dulu dgn sama2 jujur ttg prasaan km ke dia... klo dia ok2 aja n sama2 suka, knp ngga.. lagian sepupu kandung jg dah halal sebenernya apalg sepupu tiri... tapi klo asal tusux... eh ternyata