Hallo Guy, tanya dikit donk soal multi account\nAda yang pernah keBan gara gara multi account gak ya?\nThx ya
o ya aku mau daftar dulu ya \n\nid : susuku\nno :1026193\n\nminta bocoran Quest Operation Congenial Donk, susah ni Guys, modar melulu \nThx yang uda bantu bantu ya
\n\nTetap gak bisa \nNope, those passwords did not work, feel free to send me more passwords to try! He has a crazy obsession with animals if that helps\n\nastaga jawabannya Cracker..\n\nDONE thx ya
\n\nClue tambahan\n\nFor your information, hes a hacker if that helps... He knows a lot about computers.\n\nHe has a crazy obsession with animals if that helps\n\nbantu donk Guys, pusing ni Hiks hiks
Alo TCer bisa minta tolong bantu quest ini gak\nQuest Lv 5 soal Password hack\n\nini clue nya : \n\nsusuku, thanks for your offer to help me. I am having trouble cracking a system made by an enemy of mine. Find the correct password and mail it to me. I will try the passwords y...