* Regional Selection in the 2011 BlackBerry Partners Fund Super Apps Developer Challenge * Best choice for BlackBerry® with a solid Keypad! Get the most Easy-to-Use BlackBerry® Keyboard Shortcut Manager to Boost Up Your Mobile Experience! ************************************ New Features in Ver...
***TRY IT & YOU WILL LOVE IT*** Quickly read and reply to BBM, SMS, Email and PIN messages from a convenient popup window. Alert Popup provides a convenient popup dialog when a message is received at anywhere at any time. You won’t miss a single message since it will display on your BlackBerr
ADR agan rata-rata berapa ? Punya ane 17%/hour itu gede apa ga yaa ! Sekalian solusinya donk ? Ane ADR ga pernah diatas 5% gan.. Menurut ane sih apapun OS/hybridnya,semua tergantung kwalitas sinyal dan volume pemakaian..sinyal jelek faktor utama ADR nya meningkat.. Kl ane sih buat setingan jaringan
Gan...ada app mutecamera buat dakocan ga...tq Silent Camera V.1.1.2 Features ---------- - Save the Camera screen - Turn on/off flash. Flash will stay on until you turn it off - Include datetime in the picture - Save the System Pictures folder or SD Card folder - Save 1 or up to 20 pictures in on
kalo offline ga ada bro :o kalo yg online dlu pas make monza sih ngandelin bb mapsnya doang :malu: Kl ane sih pake Blackberry Navigator gan.. Bisa visual 3D,2D..ada voice command nya jg..mirip Ndrive .. Cek Tkp aja gan di betazone : https://beta.webapps.blackberry.com/downloads/fetch/4268/ :D
gan bagi appworld v4.3.0.26 oficial (offline) tengkiu sebelumnya Ini gan :D http://repo.antihackerlink.or.id/download.php?view.3850