I f*cking hate it. Especially the GBs' They're trying to be vulgar but all they show is nothing but skins and bones.
well, gue ngakak banget kemaren liat ada gambar dengan topeng ngajak orang sedunia buat ngehek israel. InternetFags yang baru bisa make trojan / LOIC doang udah koar koar 'eh gue hacker loh'. How they can make a butthurt think like that! Bingung gue sama pola pikir bocah yang sok hekel hekel, beb...
kaga gan. ane liat dari belakang komputer ga keliatan malah :hammer: Sama gan :bingung TS nya hoax ni :hoax
di kaskus belom ada fitur menghargai kaya itu , cuma cendol dan bintang 5 , Dulu ada gan tapi di disable Soalnya member kaskus makin banyak, takutnya server jebol :iloveindonesias
Finally, dog topic... I love dog,.. big dog esp... the one that you can put your feet on, when you sit on a couch.. or maybe fetch your shoes, or mop the floor.. :D or just sit there listening to your meaningless blab while making funny dog faces.. yea i'd like to have one.. so sad I cant hav
If you be miscarry, i'd be Miss Indonesia (-_-)/:ngakaks If you're Miss Indonesia, I'd be Mr. Indonesia :ngakak
If others asking me for help I'll say "I can't do that or I can't answer that" but actually I've got the solution to the problem they're asking. I am a scumbag.