being the winner is so much fun.. this is a cruel world and the people who cant be improving that skill, confidence, and effort will be failed... i am the one that you really wanted :) thanks for sharing dude..
all along,,,i have never heard people answer "10 is my ages" when someone ask "how old are you??" ts..will you follow what vicky did?? really funny hahaha
i have sent my number but it was failed again and over again, i think your account is full of any messages..:) so i'll inform you about my number trought this post ok.. 081310089784 hakim... cant wait to share a lot of things with you guys.. lets improving;):):)
Kalo ane ga setuju gan..karena ospek itu ya orientasi, masa pengenalan.. Kalo mau ada acara2 seperti yang agan jelasin diatas, Bikin lahlah diacara lain seperti latihan kepemimpinan dsb.. Bukan OSPEK MOS lah...:shakehand
ironis sekali negara kita tercinta Indonesia ! politik yg kejam mengalahkan idealis hhmmm iyaa gan.. ane juga kadang mikir kok bisa ya kaya gitu. apa semua udh diorientasi sama uang dan kekuasaan?? :berduka
Ane jd keinget bapak ane gan. Bapak ane meninggal seminggu yang lalu. :mewek turut berduka cita gan...
setelah baca thread agan, ane bakal berusaha gan buat berbagi sama yang membutuhkannya.. thanks fo sharing :thumbup