Hey gan watson, why are you double posting and contain nothing on it?:hammers For thread starter: Quite interesting topic you bought here. Can I know where's all the source of your data? R u ever life in england yourself? And for the last one, what's the australian accent called? I once spoke to ...
Ooh I'm so excited about joining this one!! (Could I?) Please invite me, my line: louisarces Thank you!
Cuma 1 persen total air yg makhluk hidup gunakan?? :matabelo Keren banget.. terus kenapa sih air laut itu g bisa dipakai? apakah kandungan zat zat didalam air laut tsb sudah terkunci dgn atom air tsb??
Why this lounge is so... "tiny" I left this thread for atleast 1 month... And it just added 25 pages:hammer:
^ apa maksudnya gambar diatas?:bingungs ane maraton kemaren 24 episode fate stay night.. greget banget pengn lanjut nonton ada yang ganjel di hati:( ngeliat endingnya begitu..:(
just dropping by after days off from kaskus :genit: good morning people :malus going to search for property again today :ngacir: have a nice weekend guys Miss moderator, I can help you searching a house :D just tell me where :cool I'm serious :)
hey don`t buy alienware :mad just dont :capedes its overpriced!! with such IDR 10.000.000 you can build a good render PC, almost equal to an alienware already :D
Eah enak ya sekarang ada event ginian diadain.. :( Coba kalo dlu pas tangan masih lemes, pasti ikut deh :norose
bagus dah.. gw harap pihak developer punya kebijakan untuk segera menerapkan rebalance ini ke semua publisher.. === ane bayangin rebalance ini inget sisen 1 dimna semua hero masih punya potensi masing2 dan dmna ane g bisa nilai mana hero yg "hebat" karena bener2 imbang :kiss Wah saya
Koleksi kesayangan GM ada di patch gamenya juga gan :hammer kwk —————— Mau bagaimanapun.. kali ini g ngasih pengaruh besar ke playstyle gamer ls sekarang Yang masih ngandalin skadi armor + drop Pasti g berkurang.. :(
Akhirnya ada gunanya juga itu grim horn :D Boxing dapet reform aplagi kali ini kk? Ada yg bisa infoin?
mereka di reform kok IK musketeer SBG dan boxer :D cek di channel daggertoface aja buat reformnya EVEN GRIM REAPER GOT REFORMED Oh my god:genit Akhirnya!! Hero yang paling cupu ane iron knight bisa dipake buat berantem :mewek Biasanya cuma buat tusbol dan drain doang :(:(:( terharu
@CaiusBallad OMG serius!? :mad gw benci lawan zorro / destroyer, air attacknya pedes banget Pedes sih ya ga terlalu ya.. Tapi kalo kena terus terusan ya tekor juga :dp
Ok, what is the mean.. Re balanced semua hero nih :mad Semoga aja berserker balikin lagi kayak dlu g punya hold air attack :mad Jadi kesel kalo lawan berserker juga jadinya, lompat lompat :mad
Tiap beli hero pake cash, entah kenapa berjaya nya pas durasi hero itu mau habis -__-" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ngomong-ngomong Ada yang bisa bantu Verifikasi Membership KLS disini ? Wah ane enggak tuh :mad Malah baru nyoba destroyer bi
I did try the Age of Empire several times. I basically understood the objectives of the game, but I still didn't (and don't) comprehend the concept of winning in this kind of game (maybe it's just me :D) Then just try another genre, fps, hack n slash, simulation or even play games that makes y