wow :matabelo kenapa sih gay dilarang? :mewek biarpun ilham seorang gay tapi gay juga manusia kali :mewek
excuse me, do have personal problem with me kiddo? this is the second time you bring this issue to the surface. met siang BPLN, tidak ada maksud untuk menjadi tendencious, that was a reflection of my imperfection as a newbie here. and i already had the consequence for that. been banned for th
Kerjaan si smeagol nih, suka kali mainin RL orang :D smeagol ?? RL ?? :bingungs ilhamz paling anti maen RL orang gan :malu:
Ni orang kan yang dulu maen Prison Break ya? Ane yakin para homophobia lebih banci daripada doi. setuju gan :malu: homophobia itu kumpulan para banci :malu:
'I am gay and I am happy'.'I am proud being a gay' ??? Whatever.....keep justifying yourself !yeah you ' re right no hypocrisy. And should you shout out loud for the world to know that you are gay? It is your choice for god' shake! Keep it for yourself, what? You want other people to follow you o...
ada cewek cantik gan :wowcantik v v v v :kbgt::kbgt: sama gue aja gan:kiss ini poto gue :kiss
sara mod :nosara
This message is hidden because milatherosa is on your ignore list. op warnet??,,masih berani congor kau bilang fitnah lebih kejam dari pembunuhan??:o maling tereak maling sudah biasa gan,,:beer: gue cuma mau ingetin aja,,silahkan nyara sepuas jidat ente sekalian,gue ga peduli,,asal ngan fitnah ora