permisi agan-agan, mw cari barang. sp tw ad yg minat jual. TBS Japan Costume (DG/XG) +7 - +9 kalau ada info silahkan bs d PM. thanks :1thumbup
Pengalaman admin 6 bulan + cuma sma / sederajat boleh coba gan ? ? ? Jam kerjanya gimana ? Boleh tau sallary nya ? Thanks hmm, ajuin aj. kalau ga d coba mn tau. :) tapi kalau bisa sesuai dengan syarat dan ketentuan yang diminta. untuk jam kerja, senin-jum'at 8:30 - 17:00 dan untuk sabtu 08:30 - 13
please visit and listen to my songs. I hope you'll enjoy it. I'm apologize that I create this thread in wrong room :sorry thank you very much for visiting this thread. if you have any suggestion or comments, give your suggestion or comment on my soundcloud / facebook / twitter. I'm very grateful
wah maaf gan, msih pemula abis. ane krg tau soal buat thread harus dmn. maaf :iloveindonesias coba buat d SF music gan salah kamar klo d sini ini bukan band. ak singer jdi itu lagu karya sendiri mau promosi :) ini band gan? atau apa sih? ane bingung :bingung Promosi lagu bang. maaf klo nyampah :(
:matabelo thanks so much gan. bntu" d share y :D :matabelo :cendolbig overall yg ane denger sih nice gan :) yg ane lebih seneng yg mimpiku accoustic, pertama ane kira depapepe gan :matabelo terus berkarya yah gan :cendolbig "do what you want to do"
ia monggo :) ada saran atau komentar kasih tau aja gan, diterima dengan sepenuh hati kok :malus ijin dengerin dulu yah gan,
numpang promo yak :) launching 1st AL "STILL IMAGINATION" 2013 (unfinished) check out on link description : Still Imagination by FerryTOGE 121993030 121555025 122030185 Profile : singer-songwriter. part : vocal, guitar, bass Birthday 1991.10.19 Horoscope LIBRA Birth Place
numpang promo jg yak :) launching 1st AL "STILL IMAGINATION" 2013 (unfinished) check out on link description : Still Imagination by FerryTOGE 121993030 121555025 122030185 Profile : singer-songwriter. part : vocal, guitar, bass Birthday 1991.10.19 Horoscope LIBRA Birth Pl