Sarit and Avi Naor, who donated a kidney from their son Noam to a 10-year-old Palestinian boy on dialysis for seven years, received a phone call from President Shimon Peres on Sunday. Noam suffered irreversible lower-brain death after falling from a fourth-story window in his home to the second f...
Syiah emang pantes dimatiin gan :o sama kaya umat penyembah manusia gondrong pemake kancut :o beidewei, sudahkan anda mencium kancutnya manusia gondrong hari ini ? :beer: kau itu yang butuh kancut
anak kecil umur 3 tahun pasti kalau diliatkan gambar ini v v v langsung jawab itu yesuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssss:ngakak kalau ngomongin kancut http://