1.The International Journal of Prosthodontics \n\nYear 2000 \nVolume 13 , Issue 6 \n \n \nPages: 487 - 493 \nWater Sorption and Dimensional Changes of Denture Base Polymer Reinforced with Glass Fibers in Continuous Unidirectional and Woven Form \n\npengarang :N...
Makasih ya jurnal yang kemaren...\nBisa tolong yang ini lagi ga?\n1.Water Sorption, Solubility and Dimensional Changes of Denture Base Polymers Reinforced with Short Glass Fibers\nTülin N. Polat, Özgül Karacaer, Arzu Tezvergil, Lippo V. J. Lassila, and Pekka K. Vallittu\nJourna...
Bisa minta tolong jurnal ini ga?\nContinuous-fiber preform reinforcement of dental resin composite restorations \nDental Materials, Volume 19, Issue 6, September 2003, Pages 523-530\nH. H. K. Xu, G. E. Schumacher, F. C. Eichmiller, R. C. Peterson, J. M. Antonucci and H. J. Mueller\...