Coba nonton "laskar pelangi" dan "sang pemimpi" , bagus 2 film itu :) Pernah makan nasi? :D I know its hard to find rice di eropa sana :) Sepertiny kamu sudah mengorek banyak informasi tentang Indonesia, bagus deh jadi gak kagok di sini, good job clara :) Yup eid mubarak = id
Kepo that means Knowing Every Particular Object. It refer to someone who intended to knowing every his/her friend's activities. I labeled it as indirect stalking for short :D Welcome to our thread... Make yourself at home :shakehand Just curious, how do you learn to 'speak' Indonesian perfectly
Kepo = penasaran :D Aku gak tau kenapa orang eropa sana wajahnya kok terlihat tua dari pada umurnya :D Kamu bisa jelasin kenapa? :D Wah promosi ulang tahun ni yee :D :ngakak If you want to try indonesian food in bandung, kamu bisa ajak ais (Rajagodjilla) untuk jalan jalan makan di bandung, BUT YOU
2OO9, j'ai choisi d'etudier le francais au campus Unpad... le francais est la langue qui est tres cool :D mon reve est, je voudrais aller a Paris avec mes parents... il y a beaucoup d'etudiants qui etudient la langue francaise au campus... hier, mes amis sont alles en France pour presenter la
MDR.. non, je suis etudiant de litterature francaise a L'Unpad... maintenant je suis huitieme semestre :D hahaha :p Oh! Tu connais même les abréviations françaises ? MDR , etc ? Bravo ! ;) Pourquoi avoir choisi d'étudier le français ? C'est un pays qui t'intéresses ? Es-tu déjà allé
Wow ! Baru datang, udah takut ! xD mana bule Perancisnya.... siap-siap jadi agen penerjemah.... BONJOUR CLARA, BIENVENUE A KASKUS, JE VOUS AIDE SUR L'UNPAD... \:D/ | | /\ Pakai google translation kan ? Ada sedikit yang salah! Tapi gpp, makasih buat bantuan kamu :) Wah baru ngecek thread ini
DAMRI is public transportation that connects between UNPAD Jatinangor and Dipati Ukur. Some students using it for various purposes involving the two campuses. Welcome to Dipati Ukur. I was also studying in the same place as you. I am student of Law Faculty :) My name is Arif, but you can call me
ciee ciee si baby lagi nyari temen buat jadi pacar baru . semangat yaa !! ;) haha. Tumben banget si baby ada di Kaskus. Mencurigakan ;) Makasih buat dukungannya :p
Thanks semua ! Aku akan datang ke Bandung tgl 30 July. Sorry, belum nyaman dengan vocabulary kaskus, jadi ada beberapa post yg bikin aku bingung -_- Jika ada yg have good tips gitu, tentang Bandung, tentang kuliah, tentang semuanya, you're welcome. Aku kasih my facebook. Tapi kalau mau send friend
elefana --> HODE ? Apa itu ? Sorry belum lancar bahasa kaskus ;) Makasih semua ;) DwiPutraAditama --> request kamu good ;) Kamu juga belajar di UNPAD ?
Hai hopefully you can got that Darmasiswa for UNPAD :malus i'm an UNPAD student, so we can know each other and lets make a good friendship :D :D ah sorry for my bad english :( :( Iya gak masalah for your bad english. Bahasa indonesia aku kurang bagus juga you know ;) WOW! I hope aku akan lolos d
I chose as first choice UNPAD di Bandung, and as second choice UNDIKSHA di Bali. But I heard they can put the students anywhere, so I don't really know :( I had an interview with 3 jurys from indonesia and they wanted me to speak bahasa indonesia, it was gilaaaaaa x) But I hope I will get the re...
Hey! I think I found someone like me here! That's is to say, SATU BULE LAIN ! Tapi I'm not from Brazil, but from France ! And I would like to know, how you suddenly fall in love with indonesia ? I also have some facebook friends dari Indo, dan bisa berbicara sedikit bahasa indonesia (tapi kurang