I'm sick of this kinda post, not the guy whose SECOND language isn't up to par to a kaskuser's standard. I am fine with people trying to practice their English language anywhere like; writing their profile facebook in English as for many, it's not an easy task . My problem is the people who wer
once Confucius were asked bout the solution of china's over growing population. \n\nhe said \n \n" education"
activation key buat expansinya gimana.............. ? blizzard nga bodoh bodohnya amett kali\n\n\noh btw \n\n13 NOVEMBER !!!!!! OFFICIALLLL
BUAT TEMEN2 PEMAEN WOW DI INDONESIA!!!!!!!!!!!!\n\nWRATH OF THE LICH KING AKAN MULAI DIJUAL TGL 11 NOVEMBER 2008\n\nhttp://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=9956208147&sid=1\n\n\nsiapa aja yang tau gimana kita bisa beli?????? selain online???
NEITHER BOTH\n\njangan pake speedy ato flash ~ especialli kalo kamu mao nge-raid .....telkomsel emank sampah >.< \n\ngue di kick melulu ama party-raid karena DC melulu in ZulAman
balik lg ~ .... gue ke-pikirian untuk ganti flash gua ke fastnet, yg 768kbps.... kayaknya better daari flash nga ya?
cuma mau nanya nih~ kalo wotlk keluar, kalian2 beli CD'nya dimana ya? kalo di jakarta tau nga ?\n\nkalo nga ada ... saya pikir , cara yg paling cepet sih pergi ke singapur ato telepon temen2 kalian di sgp ~ pesen di sana ..lalu waktu release date'nyakeluar ( hampir sama kayak US...