ane tadi abis dari jobfair UI nih, di balairung.. share aja dikit dari pengalaman ane tadi : 1. Antriannya ada 2 ya, satu untuk antrian beli tiket, satu lagi antrian buat masuk, nah yang antrian tiket itu di sebelah kanan, dan antriannya kaga sepanjang antrian masuk (tadi ane sempet ga tau info in
Morning lads, if they using hypnotheraphy, can they back to normal? maybe, that is one of the ways to 'cure' them back to normal, but I think for each person, there are different approaches, either its type or its dosage. Welcome to Indonesia where almost all channels in the TV are mainly
a boy given a doll? :hammer: most of parents nowadays spoiled their children with Gadgets :o what do you think? When I was child, I was given dolls too (but I'm straight of course) so this fact was really happen. Gadgets either be useful or be worse for children, it depends on how wise are the p
a boy given a doll? :hammer: most of parents nowadays spoiled their children with Gadgets :o what do you think? When I was child, I was given dolls too (but I'm straight of course) so this fact was really happen. Gadgets either be useful or be worse for children, it depends on how wise are the p
Nice to meet you sayint ... is there any meaning behind that nickname? sayint seiya perhaps? hehe Wow, Your ava is so entertaining ,,, :ngakaks actually my nickname is a cut of my real name, which is unique, the only one in the world, and I proud of it :) thanks rahan for your warm welcome
I think that most cases why boy turn into gay or vice versa, because of their early education which parents gave to them, such as boy was given doll, played with sister the most. by the way, my name is sayint, I'm nubie too, nice to meet you all :)
ini lah thread yg ga mutu, klo anak ente yg di posisi si cew gimana gan?? berita aib kok disebar2? makin banyak bocah2 nongkrong di lounge. mantep bos, gw stuju nih
gw rasa ini masalah karna ga ada saling percaya antar agama, saling curiga. dan masalahnya ga cuma antar agama, antar suku dan kelompok aja masi bnyk yg sikut2an. mungkin ada yg punya solusi gmana biar kita saling ga curiga?
lebih tepatnya tidak setuju sebagian pendapat saja, semoga perbedaan justru bisa melengkapi dalam kasus ini.. ane lebih banyak mencari kebenaran Al-Qur'an juga melalui ilmu pengetahuan, karena setau ane kan Al-Qur'an sejalan dengan pengetahuan, oleh karena itu harusnya tidak bertentangan.. sambil...
yang patut diluruskan di kalangan masyarakat adalah tahlilan bukan suatu kewajiban. Mungkin bagi sebagian orang yang sudah banyak mendapat informasi (internet dll) bakal menganggap enteng dan menyatakan bahwa semua orang pasti tahu. kenyataannya, banyak kaum awam yang tidak mengerti. Para anti-ta...