Gan firstbloodout, makasih opit pertamanya udah mendarat dgn mulus. Moga2 ngepetnya makin jaya, lilinnya tahan lama :2thumbup Sory telat ngasih testi, soale tiap kali akses kaskus tampilannya acakadul.
ikutan juga ah nyundul lapaknya gan firstblood :sundulgans moga2 ngepetnya lancar2 aja :ngakak Izin sundul lapak :D Ane sudah transfer ya gan untuk 20slot :D wew, 20 slot :matabelo
gan firstblood, mo ikutan dong .. mumpung lagi ada dana seencrit nih di LR. ada slot lebih kan? tadinya mo ikutan di lapak sebelah yg punyanya mumi itu, tapi blom ada duid. eh, ternyata .. ternyata .. :sorry untung blom ikutan disono. ane mah kaga mudeng sama porek-prokan, makanya nyerahin aja sa...
nubi nyimak dulu, sambil ninggalin jejak rencananya sih mo ikutan, tapi msh nunggu dana LR ngumpul dulu :sorry baydewey, ngeliat dari poto TS di pejwan kayanya masih belia tapi kok pada manggil Mbah .. berarti TSnya mantep nih emang kadang skil kaga ngeliat usia :thumbup
Any film that I watch won't get my attention when I miss you. My eyes are pointing to the screen, but my mind is imagining that I'm watching you dance in front of me :kiss >>> Next word: Tower
are you guys talking about music? great, 'cos I love music too! I'm a great singer you know?! that is, only when I sing in the bath room and there's no one around :ngakak thax a lot for the support :malus understand the meaning of a sentence but I can not answer Do you understand what I mean?:k
nais trit gan, penuh dengan motivasi :cendols di antara delapan poin tsb, favorit saya yg ini: 2. Anda dapat belajar lebih banyak dari kegagalan dibanding kesuksesan. Kegagalan mampu memperbarui kerendahan hati Anda, mempertajam objektivitas dan membuat orang semakin tangguh.
yeah dude, i knew it for the first time, FYI i was born to be cool :cool: "at least my fellas tell so :D " Hello cool guy, nice to meet you :shakehand2 can I join this thread :angel You've already joined it the time you replied it :malus Don't hesitate .. say what you want to say, and
Found this nice poem from the mighty Google: Girl Beautiful! Behind the girl and Unknown to her Snake beautiful! ! Aimed my pistol Direct at the snake; Screamed the girl Pointing at me! Gone was the snake Scared it was; Lonely I am Languishing in jail! Girl was beautiful And so was the snake! Wh
salut utk Toge! potensi dan prestasi orang Indonesia sebetulnya banyak, cuman biasanya kurang donasi dan publikasi .. maju terus, tunjukkan pada dunia bahwa sebenarnya kita mampu :iloveindonesias