The Leatherman MUT is the first multi-tool that functions as both a tactical and practical tool for military, LE, or civilian shooters. The MUT features multiple areas on the tool threaded for cleaning rods and brushes and all the screwdriver bits are sized for standard military and civilian sigh...
This is where the legend of the Swiss Army Knife began. And it continues today with the Climber pocket knife. Its 14 functions are as sharp, strong and intuitive as you need them to be. So no matter if you're climbing up the corporate ladder or a class 5 crag, the Climber is with you all the way to
Ini lewat jalur yang mana, om? :salaman pengeeeen :wow Merdeka!! 😀
This is where the legend of the Swiss Army Knife began. And it continues today with the Climber pocket knife. Its 14 functions are as sharp, strong and intuitive as you need them to be. So no matter if you're climbing up the corporate ladder or a class 5 crag, the Climber is with you all the way...
kondisi : new, kelengkapan : premium sheath, lanyard, belt clip, metric bits harga : 1,250,000 contact/whatsapp : 081227136485 deskripsi produk : The Leatherman Charge ALX swaps out the Charge AL scissors for an aggressive cutting hook on the back of the serrated blade. Rip through tough materia...
mas bisa liat pict lagi ga yg suunto ambit update pake zulu hahaha, imagenya udah error thx mas baloengnom wah ntr aq cari dlu filenya bro dh lm bgt soalnya :meweks
wihh mantap om baloengnom :matabelo itu bukannya ujung timur indonesia om? :Yb bazelnya emang gitu apa hasil modif om? :malu: khilaf oms iya ujung timur :hammers: modif om pake strap zulu dan lugs.. cuma pas aktifitas berat... sehari2 kembali pake rubber. pake zulu kurang nyaman di tangan
ujung timur mungkin mas :D weh mas kabul udah kesanah lagi ajah :malu: biaya yg ndak sedikit :( owh mak jon salah mas brow iya timur :malu: iya bro klo diberi kesempatan lagi februari ke carstenz timur ayo ikut bro :D
share gan. pegunungan di ujung barat indonesia, november kemarin :beer:
pake zulu gan hehe brhubung trlanjur mampir skalian sharing ya gan ambit ane di soemantri november kmrn
wew mapala unisi, senior ane nih :D hehe gc brp? sedep bener fotonya nih ajak ajak dong klo mendaki :D sharing aja gan biar fungsi nya bnr2 kepake di habitatnya
Manteb foto2nya gan.. btw budget smpe brp gan kl kesana?mohon infonya.. 35-80jt om.. ttgntung lwt mana sugapa atau tembagapura.. atau pm aja klo pgn nanya2
cakep om :thumbup bikin catpernya dong om, kyknya jarang carper ke cartenz :ngacir: Pengen foto disana jg gan suatu saat.. nice share.. :matabelo2 mangtapss om kabull.. :kiss ditunggu catper n poto potoh ratjun lainnyaah.. :Yb
permisi om... ijin share.. mohon maaaf jika kurang berkenan :ngacir:
suunto ambit @carstenz pyramid.. 4884m :travel
UPDATE 07 AGUSTUS 2015 Ka-bar #1214 - Full Size Fighting/Utility Knife, Serrated, with Kydex Sheath #1214 1095 carbon steel blade Price : 1.350.000 Cold Steel SRK (SURVIVAL RESCUE KNIFE) Survival/Rescue operations demand a versatile knife able to withstand the most extreme abuse. The SRK® (Su...