ada yang mau ikut turnamen indonesian hawken fight club week 4 ga? seru lho bagi yang mu ikut harap segera daftar di sekian terima kasih
iya salah deh.. :hammer: cuman C classnya naiknya gak signifikan banget. kirain bakal naek sampe 1000 gitu nyawanya :D
id kaskus: leherkodok id hawken: Cpt_dees ngomong" gak ada lg redeem code ya? hehe mengharapkan hawken credits udah masuk page one ya gan :D hahaha gak ada lagi tuh.... ayo gan ajak temen temennya buat main hawken biar makin rame :D
Demi Kembalinya Server South ASIA di mohon request ke dengan contoh format "first i wanna say thx for dev for create hawken, i love this game usually play with my mate in same country every night and i have request to dev please open siege
gan ane bikin grup facebooknya juga mohon di tengok ya
waw kamar baru :matabelo add ane gan di hawken : cloverfield tp lg off, lg nabung beli VGA :berdukas biar lancar mainnya :D wah ada sepuh nih gan hehe, udah di masukin kok ada di urutan atas hehe
mau daftarin game shooter mecha online the best of the year HAWKEN sama mo minta lock trid lamanya dah di urus ama tsnya
berat di VGA gan... ati radeon yang bagus itu kodenya X650 keatas "X" = terserah mo 4,5,6,7 ane maen di PC pake HD4650 lancar jaya kalo di low low... dan agan 5430 .. :P makanya berat walaupun depannya 5xxx tapi 3 angka belakangnya yang ngefek,, ane malah masih pake core to duo 1,8
beneran server indonesia ni ? asik nih download ahhh :matabelo ========== dah daftar > dah aktivasi kenapa ga bisa login ke situsnya :najiss stiap login malah di kasih halaman loginnya lagi :najis servernya gak di indonesia gan tapi ada server south asia, pingnya ringan kok gak gede, gak ng
asli keren ini gan. downloadnya gimana ya ? ane pingin install bikin id aja masuk ke situs hawkennya, ntar di kasih download
GAME MODES At the moment, there are four game modes in Hawken: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Missile Assault, and Siege. Other game modes are planned for the game's release but have not been tested yet. Deathmatch games are timed free-for-all matches where the pilot with the most points wins. Poi...
ALL RANGE MIXED DAMAGE ARMOR: 675 SPEED: 750 EU CAPACITY: 225 DAMAGE ABSORB : "Reduce all damage taken for a short time." "A rapid-fire suppression weapon. Its fire rate and damage output allows it to chop down the enemies at close range, but tends to drop off and scatter in the...
MECHS Mechs are the user-controlled vehicles of Hawken. Currently, mechs are split up into three different weight classes: light A-class mechs, medium B-class mechs, and heavy C-class mechs. All mechs are equipped with two weapons for each arm, up to two deployable items, one countermeasure, and ...
HAWKEN PILOTS ID kaskus: leherkodok ID hawken: Cpt_dees ID kaskus : vivalo007 ID Hawken : vivalo007 IDkaskus :Fujimiya IDHawken:Black_Angel IDkaskus :TheGuyver IDHawken:TheGuyver ID kaskus: TheFuryanz ID hawken: Tenizar ID Hawken : qclass ID Kaskus : lbexp ID hawken : Dhiiyaur ID kaskus : Dhiya....
ini ane teddy jahat mo bikin trid baru pake id baru, maksudnya kalau saya pensi kan bisa di kasih keorang lain buat megang eh tau taunya BodyDelete Post oleh Hansip Senderhansip Recipienthawkeninkaskus DateDecember 16, 2012 6:12 pm Dear , Kamu dianggap telah memposting spam (Post ID: 50cdac9c2c75...