Ada benernya nih si cantalup. Gua sekolah sejak kelas 3 smp (grade 9 HS di US) di amrik, sampe sekarang. Gua akuin ada efeknya sama hubungan orang tua. Memang anak jadi cepet dewasa, tapi itu ada jeleknya buat orang tua. Berdasarkan pengalaman gua yah, nyokap gw sering sedih waktu gua sekolah di...
Sedikit sharing tentang pengalaman gw apply F1 visa. Mungkin ada manfaatnya... terutama buat yg pernah overstay dan pengin dapet visa amrik lagi. Gw sebelumnya uda pernah dapet 2 F1 visa amrik (masing2 5 tahun). Yang pertama expired, gw perpanjang lagi dan gak ada masalah. Nah gw minggu lalu appl...
NJ Nets!!! Biar jelek tetep gw dukung. Pokoknya gw cuman dukung tim NJ dan sekitarnya. Setia walo menderita haha..
First time i asked for help here. Im really torn between these two statement. Which one is better for a main argument in a paper? Figure a second opinion couldnt hurt.\n\n\n
\n\nHey, i seen u before right? 2nd attempt at practicing towards GRE (or GMAT cant remember which) exam? \n\nFrom 1st glance, it looks better than your first one. I'll give u a detail review later on.
\n\nPreaching to the choir... they're getting more annoying everyday. \n\nWell, understanding the context (you had one hour to do it) i have to change my opinion. All things considered, it wasnt bad at all. I guess you cant pull out numbers and statistic unless you have photo...
\n\nJelas lah.. small classes, kurikulum yang lebih berbobot, teacher get better salary = better teachers that actually cares, more money for facilities, lab, books. Public school itu free, private school bisa semahal college tuitionnya (kira2 bagusan mana coba?) and gak semua keterima....
\n\nDamn... you're good. Yeah what he said lol... i second that\n\n\n\nLike what hypertech said... ur essay is grammatically sound but there are probably couple of ill-chosen words. "Rotten" families? Dysfunctional might be a better option here.\n\nG...
\n\nKalo masih semester 1, mending apply jadi murid baru aja dan bukan transfer. Stanford itu admission rate buat transfer students itu cuman 1-2% (dari 100 apply, 1 ato 2 keterima). Mereka ngejaga size student body nya, so kalo gak ada yang keluar = ga ada yang masuk (transfer). Dan jara...
\n\nGak mesti jadi pr ato citi tapi bener scholarshipnya limited. Kalo bukan pr ato citi, gak bisa minta dari US govt dan hampir selalu academic based scholarship (berdasarkan nilai) dan bukan financial aid(berdasarkan kebutuhan). Academic scholarship itu kan biasanya jumlahnya terbatas d...
Kayanya kebanyakan gw liat di sini elo2 pada baru mikir buat sekolah di US setelah SMU. Kayanya dulu kalo gak salah malingcewek pernah bilang kalo S1 itu cenderung mahal and gak gampang dapet scholarship and graduate school (S2) jauh lebih gampang untuk dapet scholarship.\n\nWith that in ...
\n\npin and needles, i think what you mean is the meaning of the idiom right?\n\nit means to be in a state of anticipation. It could also means a prickling sensation on your body like when you're leg is asleep (bhs indo kesemutan)
\n\nGw lulusan Boston U buat undergrad, gw sendiri dulu manufacturing engineering. BU lumayan bagus buat manajemen and engineering, but it's quite expensive seperti kebanyakan private university (terakhir denger Harvard U is up to 60 grand a year now including housing and BU is aroun...
\n\ncupue, there's the English Lounge for chatting. Head over there for some light conversation :).\n\nOnly discussion about writings and revision are allowed here. My discussion with banny123 kinda falls in that category because we're talking about literature and writin...
\n\nInteresting idea... i always thought of it as he becoming a bug and not showing any umm... distress is like a criticism of the industrial revolution. Like he knows he's no different than a bug to begin with because his preoccupation with money, work, etc and the change of his out...
\n\nawww... Metamorphosis. I read it back in high school. Went a lil bit over my head. But still i recognize it as a great work. So how are you tying Marxism to the cockroach? Literature is not my field of studies, but nonetheless i'm curious... it's more of a hobby than anythin...
\n\nMotherF%@#$^#@$... How the f%$@#% hell did i make that mistake??? You know what, it's because i thought "emphasis" is plural. I got tricked by the 's' in the end. Apparently the correct plural form is emphases, and yes that is with an "e". I feel lik...
\n\nI thought i might as well corrected your question :)\n\nAnyway... to the topic at hand then.\n\nThe difference is subtle but definite.\n1. I had been writing 2 letters since 3 days ago.>>> It means that you've finished the letter and you've been ...
\n\nArrgghhh... yes you're correct there, and i missed it completely :nohope: I suppose after i while i just let a lot mistakes go because otherwise it would mean that i would have to rewrite the essay completely. \n\nYes i agree with you, he has a sound idea. It's inter...