g'evening ... today, i found several words that I'm not sure what to say in English. is it correct: 1. masuk angin = catch a cold / getting a cold 2. kerokan/dikerok = scraped 3. sakit mata = sore eye 4. obat tetes mata = eyes drop medicine 5. sakit tenggorokan = sore throat 6. sakit dada = sore ...
nice thread gan :D ... ketika kecil, ane paling suka warna kuning coz bapa ane sukanya warna kuning, jadi ikut2an :malus... remaja paling suka warna biru n hitam karena keren n ga mencolok... menjelang dewasa sampe sekarang suka warna ijo karena sering bermain di alam bebas... ane setuju kalo war
great tips. I agree 100% that the first step in learning English is "Start". second, in my opinion it should be "maintained or do not stop n keep learning/practice". I my self start to learn English when I was in the middle school but I didn't understand English even until gra...