Gan,lagi2 ane ngerepotin mau minta jurnal lagi,hehe 1.)Dynamic behaviour and stability of adiabatic fixed bed reactors S.S.E. Elnashaie, D.L. Cresswell Chemical Engineering Science Volume 29, Issue 9, September 1974, Pages 1889–1900
gan mohon bantuannya: 1.)Kinetics of catalytic oxidation of methane A. Yermakov, V. I. Anikeev, A. S. Bobrin Find out how to access preview-only content Reaction Kinetics and Catalysis Letters December 1993, Volume 51, Issue 2, pp 325-330 2.)Rus
Gan,mohon bantuannya buat link jurnal ini: 1.Partial Alkane Oxidation Kinetics at High Pressures: Methane Oxidation in Stainless Steel and Quartz Reactors V. S. Arutyunov,V. M. Rudakov, V. I. Savchenko, E. V. Sheverdenkin, O. G. Sheverdenkina, A. Yu. Zheltyakov
Tolong bukain link buat unduh ini ya Gan. This is for my final project. Methanol-to-hydrocarbons: process technology Frerich J. KeilCorresponding Technical University of Hamburg–Harburg, Department of Chemical Engineering, Eissendorfer Str. 38, D-21073 Hamburg, Germany http://www.sciencedirect
Tolong bukain link buat unduh ini ya Gan. This is for my final project. Methanol-to-hydrocarbons: process technology Frerich J. KeilCorresponding Technical University of Hamburg–Harburg, Department of Chemical Engineering, Eissendorfer Str. 38, D-21073 Hamburg, Germany http://www.scie
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request yang ini ya Gaaaan : ) A KINETIC-MODEL FOR METHANOL CONVERSION TO HYDROCARBONS Author(s) : Mihail, R; Straja, S; Maria, G; Musca, G; Pop, G Year : 1983 makasi atas bantuannya
Mau request lagi ni, hehe A kinetic model for methanol conversion to hydrocarbons Author : Clarence D. Chang makasih yaaa
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