im sick of it. i have big trouble with tenses since many years ago . im learning till now but no effect . till now i just understand present tense even with many limitation. how to make it effective to understand and remember? please i need some advice for it. thanks alot. Hi, maybe it was same wit
i have found much way for this but . . they are not accepted with my rule..How..agan2 i need your replies... Here, maybe I can suggest you some ways you can take for improving your English ability: 1. You can learn from reading an English book, this way, you can take a benefit of learning a ne
I really need ur help guys, i need some suggestions. Would u plz kindly answer/ comment/ give suggestion to these questions: Do you think grammar is important? Do you think you should master or at least learn (a little bit) about grammar? Among listening, reading, writing, speaking and grammar,
Guys, how to keep our English ability??? as we know, if we don't use in real life or we just use in the class, our ability will be gone... :matabelo Yes of course, if we study a language then we don't use it, it will decrease gradually. The best action that I can say, some points you can learn: 1.
Dear all, I've been looking for an easiest way to improve my English and need your opinion. What is best way to improve your conversation skill? join a conversation course? find a native speaker which may cost us a lot, of course...or simply find some friends and do it in groups regularly?
help me, for have good english conversation :sorry May , I encourage and invite you to try to download that material above. It will be your first effort to improve your ability gan :) :matabelo
Thanks for sharing, but don't wanna give a comment here? :D Heheh, I just put a link here for adding another material to be ready for downloaded. And I have appreciated what in this thread has been revealed several tips for speaking English fluently :ngakak
If you need more strategies and tricks how to speak english well, you can download it from this blog
NIh gan ada gi :) Mp3 player terbaru
:iloveindonesia Hi all EF loungers :iloveindonesia Believe it or not, Even English songs are written in English, but still, there are some grammatical errors in it. It might be caused by the urge of a rhyme, in which the song writer wants the same sound among the lines. Or, because the English t
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