As far as I know there isn't a krack for newer airports for FSDT(including PHNL),it was posted some time ago a combo pack FSDT-Cloud9 for FS9 with newer airports at that time like KDFW,PHNL,KLAX,Hawaiian Airports but the krack was older I think(if I'm mistaken please tell me).
I want too please EKVG VAGAR Faroe Island FS2004 AzuraFiles or Aero-Files one... thanx in advance!!! Thank you so much airleeda & xabier83 there is a PM waiting for you... @copilotdiego Hi if you can help me with a link for Vagar,I've downloaded from simaviation a freeware version from Azuraf
I've posted on the other forum too,the krack is older than FsDreamTeam KDFW,PHNL and others.Is there a newer one?
29-11-2012 03:45 Quote:Original Posted By avechelice ► FS2004 Fsdreamteam combo Are included: Aviano Air Base-Elba SP1-ENBR-Fly the Lakes!-KDCA-LDAX-Phantom-Pisa-Hawhaii-JFK-KDFW-KFLL-KLAS-LSGG-OHARE-PHNL Note: Be aware that some unexpected results can happen if other FSdreamteam sceneries alre...