plenty of morons putting links directly in their posts :bingungs and one moron that can't install LIPX because he doesn't know how to use a keygen I never thought people would be too stupid to pirate software, but it is possible LOL
somebody seen keyboard with sign "any" on the spacebar? As in Press Any Key? If thats what you mean, then it means press any key on your keyboard. There is no "Any" Key on your keyboard. :capedes This is one of the oldest tech support jokes... where the user calls tech
Please do not thank you in the forum or by PM answer ! If you want "thank you" put it in your request !! Filling my PM or this forum with "thank you" is useless !! Thank you ! :) +1 for this suggestion. When I ask avechelice for links in a private message, I also include a tha
Why tell him to remove the serial when you quote his post and repeat the information in the quote? How does that help?? He has removed the data from his post. Now you need to remove the serial from your quoted post.
he said he cannot login to kaskus. ALmost like he was kicked out There certainly are many payware developers that would be happy to seen Mr. Avechelice stop his prolific file sharing. I'm not sure if they complained enough to Kaskus to create this problem for him. It is easy enough to just create
PM = Private Message Click on the author's blue name in the left panel of the post and in the context menu, click on Send a private message.
FLYTAMPA - ATHENS v1.1 PM You do not say if this is for FS9, FSX, or both versions.
Scenery Requests Only request by PM will be answered :ngakak Ah, I misread. I thought links were to be passed from PM, but never knew that requests are also through PM:bingungs What part of "Only request by PM" is not understood? :hammer
Why can't we post links to the files directly in this thread? You can post links in the thread, but the links will die quicker because they are available to anyone and this increases the chance of a complaint to the file hosting service. PM is more work and takes longer, but it protects the link