gan. ane minat yang cuci gudang ini. minta penawarannya di atau sms 081243065632
Halaman demi halaman ane baca gan di forum DTG ini. Makasih banyak untuk pencerahannya. Ane sudah pertimbangkan sejak lama, setelah bertahun-tahun main di manual. Ini saatnya ane main DTG. Para sesepuh DTG sangat enak untuk dibaca penjelasannya, tentu saja yang paling menonjol menurut ane agan HP...
Jual Kaus Grapgrap Manado. Seru gan! 6 Desain Kaus Ready Stock! Biarkan gambar yang berbicara!! Torang Pe Kaos dari How to buy: 1. Langsung kunjungi atau sms ke 085342988459 atau add pin BB di 22C7B45D 2. Perlu diketahui barang yang...
Hi guys, what do u think about this weather in Manado recently days. Even my cothes never get dry :(.
boleh sx :D langsung jo ka FJB Mdo mar musti sesuai Rules yg ada :) Makase banyak agan, kita so pi TKP. :)
im so sorry, i didn't have blackberry, so I just can call or send message for u Please, feel free to contact me. This week is the production session, so you'd better to order soon. I will give special diskon for you. ;)
btw you sell a nice clothes, so let us start a negotiation about your clothes thanks for your compliment. Yup, I design it by myself. is it permitted to talk about selling something here? I u want, you can add my pin BB 22C7B45D or u can text me 085342988459.
hy anton nice to meet u.I hope u enjoy joining in regma hi, nice to meet you too. I join this forum because I just feel awful attending 12 days seminar in germany couple weeks ago with poor english conversation skill. It was really an embarrassing moment. I promise to my self I will improve my c
Thank you :) Well. I think that's enough for now. Next time if you're free please come and join us for mini gathering. Never mind :D btw, do you study in jogja?
keras berapa so itu :D Rp 95 aja gan. Manado bebas ongkos kirim :) pre order ya itu. awal minggu ini mulai produksi.
Hi Anton, nice to meet you. So where you come from ? If you don't mind please fill your personal data here Profile Data :D Done. I have filled it. It there any other thing I have to do to join this forum?
D KASKUS : Nama/Nama panggilan (sesuai identitas yg ada dalam dompet kalian) : ANTHONIUS ADHI Jenis Kelamin : laki tulen Agama : Katolik Tahun kelahiran/umur (Tidak wajib diisi kalo malu) : Golongan darah (biar ada teman kaskuser yg mencari donor): o Riwayat Sekolah(Mulai dari TK ampe pendidikan ...
Who is rio ferdinand? :think: Soccer player? :ngakak, you are so funny. It cames from Anthonius, my baptism name.
Helloo :shakehand2 Welcome :) What's ur name? :o hello, my name Anton. Thanks for your hospitality. I am not originally from Manado, but this day is the very first day I came to Manado four years ago. :) Nice to join this forum.