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Mohon bantuannya ya gan. Makasih banyak gan Paper Title: Synthesis and Performance of Super Absorbent Resin with Acrylic Acid-Acrylamide Authors : Ting Xi Li, Na Kong, Sha Sha Wu, Su Su Gao, Peng Sui, Shan Ting Li Publisher : Materials Science Forum (Volume 687) Link : http://www.scientific.net/MSF
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Gan, bantu ane ya : 1. Studics on Chcmical Constltuents of Pogostemon cablin (Blanco)Benth Author : Guan Ling;Quan Lihui;Xu Lizhen and Cong Puzhu(Institute of MedicinaI PIant Development,Chinese Academy of MedicaI Sciences,Beijing l00094) link : http://eng.oversea.cnki.net/kns55/detail/detail.asp...
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