:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulga ns:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundul gans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sund ulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sund...
:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulga ns:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundul gans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sund ulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sundulgans:sund...
1. Quicker company uses a job order costing system. On may 1, Quicker comapnyes work in process inventory account shows a beginning balance of $161,000. Production activity for May was as follows: Materials costing $91,000, along with operating supplies of $18,000, were requisitioned into product...
Week Eight Discussion Starters - Use these questions as the basis for a conversation. Please read and consider all other posts that have been added to the conversation before you add your comments. Please do not merely repeat what others have posted, but instead, build upon their contributions. O...
lol ini se yang ngepost, gua ama orgnya juga tiap hari nemu megh.... tapi ya udha lha..... ngeramein tempat asl mula kaskus dibuat dunk... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOLOOLO\n\nlanjut gan..................