Where is your god? When the world you disappears in winds of smoke, extinction and pollution. Where is your god? When you suffer inside the four walls of this abandons and bitter existence and on this ground that becomes a hell day by day. Where is your god? When love is a fancy and where hatred i
THY ANTICHRIST 666 band favorit ane gan...:peluk ane paling suka ma lagunya THI ANTICHRIST 666 yang WHERE IS YOUR GOD...!!! http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/2013/01/01/4774589_20130101114511.jpg
:maafaganwati:maafaganwati:maafaganwati gw hny menjauhkan mereka dr pil dixtro, narkoba, ato minuman oplosan! :takut jalan keluarnya ya kecubung,,, :mewek Soal rasa gk kalah ma Jus Melon :games :berduka:berduka:berduka