Niagara falls, one of the most famous North American natural wonders, has long been a popularity tourist destination. There is a mistake in the sentence above. Do you know what and why is the mistake? Maybe I can help you. I provide private or group course for Junior and Senior High School ( Ban
CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (KALIMAT PENGANDAIAN) • There are 3 types of Conditional Sentences : If – clause Main Clause Type 1 Simple Present* Will, can, may, must + V1 Type 2 Simple Past* Would, could, should + V1 Type 3 Past Perfect Would have + V3 *terdapat berbagai variasi lain • Untuk kali
Terima les inggris untuk SMP dan SMA swasta. Lokasi di bandung (daerah kopo dekat RS Imanuel-Panjunan) Pengalaman ratusan murid. Sistem les group maks 3 org dan private 1 org. (Murid dtg ke tempat les) Mengikuti kebutuhan masing2 murid. Boleh kontak langsung : Suzana Theresia, S.S. Sms : 08575 9...