Dear 1Top1, RAM Aspire 4738 dapat diupgrade maksimal menjadi 8GB dengan dukungan 2 buah slot RAM yang masing-masing slot dapat diupgrade menjadi 4GB (4GBx2) dengan tipe RAM DDR3 PC-10600 1333MHz. Hai Dok, saya mengecek dengen wmic memorytype get speed ternnyata speed-nya 1066 mhz. Apakah Acer As
Sore Dok, Saya punya Acer Aspire 4738 dengan memory 2 gb sudah berumur 6 tahun (windows 7 home 64 bit). Kalau saya mau upgrade memory 4 gb dengan menambah memory ddr3 pc 10600 / pc 12800 sehingga menjadi 6 gb kira-kira cocok gak yah?
Permisi Gan, Ane kebetulan TKI dan SIM ane habis september 2016, saya rencana cuma bisa cuti pulang awal juni tahun ini. Bisakah saya perpanjang SIM saya? Kebetulan ada SIM A dan SIM C. Soalnya ane baca ada peraturan ribet kalau perpanjang SIM hanya bisa 14 hari sebelum masa SIM berlaku habis. Pe...
Menurut ane sih Saudi relatif aman yah gan.. Perampokan, pencurian, pembunuhan sih tetep ada. Tapi tingkatnya rendah. Ane kalo balik tengah malem ngerasa aman2 aja walaupun pake kendaraan umum, kayak taksi. Yang bikin ga aman, buat cowok Asia berkulit putih dan mulus tanpa bulu, tuh malah perko
Seharusnya semua pembayaran gitu bisa online via menu atm yg langsung masuk ke rekening pemerintah seperti di luar negeri :). Kalau bayar di tempat yah memang rawan terjadinya mispraktek karena ada pengelolaan dana oleh internal institusi.
Most of the time, in my office i'm speaking english and writing email in english. That's why i join this forum to improve my english aswell.
I'll save up for a few month so that I get around IDR500 mil; after that I buy a Road King or a Valkyrie Rune *sluuuurrrppppp It's Cool Pal :)
is it possible a common trader to short selling in stocks, its usual practice in forex/option/etc, but how about stocks? There is a list of short selling stocks, but you must borrow from your broker with an agreement letter
:genit: 100millions ...... i want to ..... ah nevermind, its just a wild fantasy :malu: Don't be shy. Every Success come from a dream / fantasy :ngakak
Which country of legislative are we talking? if it was Indonesia, well.... y'all know what to do, right? Sleep and watching porn trough your iPad during legislative meeting. :cendols Yes i mean indonesia. 100 millions in in rupiah currency. LOL, Outside the meeting what do you want to do? Do
Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, Let's Imagine if you are a member of legislative with monthly income 100 millions, what do you want to do?
Is that even possible? I apologise for not being optimist :berdukas We can be realistic, prepare for the worst but always welcome the finest.
Watching movies with english subtitle. I did many times watching movies with english subtitle, eventhough i can understood the meaning but it did not improve my listening. So i suggest watch movie without subtitle. Cheers
like me, we must still learn english everyday, everywhere... Yes, Welcome to English Forum sista. Please share what do you want to talk
hi 1Top1, by all means. your thread brings a cool breeze in this arid EF. I think you are more knowledgeable about stocks here, BUMI's unpopular rights issue is a laughingstock, considering the fact that its CEO became furious at the public investors who do not bother to exercise their "rig
whoa, a dedicated thread in EF about the stock exchange! how cooler can this be? one thing about backdoor listing, the acquired listed company is called shell company, for it is mostly an empty shell, scarcely operating. another aspect of backdoor listing is the acquired company and its acquirer