maap, bukan di pergelangan tapi di telapak tangan kanan. sering diceritakan, musuh yang ditampar Wiro bakal ada cap 212 di bagian yang kena :D sila baca di sini
Jang Hyeok's movie "Swordsman" starts filming on the 15th. "Swordsman" is based during the period of change in the Chinese Ming and Qing Dynasty and the swordsmen who stood against confusing state of affairs. Jang Hyeok takes on the role of Tae-yool, a swordsman with a secret...
taro disini boleh ya... Two fighters against a mercenary cartel in Triple Threat Confirmed! Adkins, White and Bisping will play bad guys facing Jaa, Uwais and Chen. Plot: a billionaire’s daughter becomes the target of a mercenary cartel. Her only protection are two down-on-their-luck fighters...
sumur ada kemungkinan Iko ikut main.. GRILLO: I did a movie with Iko. I’m friends with Iko. Iko may be in this movie. We don’t know… So Iko and I did a movie in Indonesia last year. It’s a big kind of sci-fi movie, and I don’t know where it’s going to come out, when it’s going to co...
Website aslinya pake bahasa HK .... intinya film BS bakal make teknologi sound tercanggih :telolet4 ini web yg pake english. "X-Spatial 4D Psychoacoustics" is a revolutionary audio enhancement technology with Wizor technology as its foundation. It generates the best quality of acou
bgzt ane ngecrot nh gannnnn nice info moga aja ngga kelamaan disimpen ntar basi. lanjutkan dm-dm annya gan tar kalo ada info lagi lempar sini yaa
kalo ane sih seneng sama kemampuan akting Iko yg sedikit meluas ke area drama romansa, dari Merantau (akting standar new comer), The Raid (genre survival horror eksyen), Berandal (peran dilematis sbg polisi ><gangster) bisa dibilang genre tiap filmnya sedikit berbeda, walo akhirnya emang yg...
Suka bgt actionnya. Di bis, di kantor polkis, hutan, pantai dan final fight di sarang serigala, it was brutal af. Duo David Hendrawan n Zack Lee sangar walo kemudian jatohnya komikal. Very Tri gilak tangannya kaya kilat. Justell, indah bangett. Dan Bapak Sunny Pang, salute! Cadas abis! Iko Uwais?...
yang nanyain Babule... The Raid Helmer Gareth Evans Sets Period Thriller Apostle As Next Project In the space of only three years, Welsh filmmaker Gareth Evans ostensibly ripped up the action rule book with The Raid and its ferocious 2014 sequel. Not only did it herald a wonderful partnership wi...
What is Shamballa ? What Is Shamballa? Shamballa has been a focus of teaching and revelation in all the great traditions of the Himalayas. Within the Trans-Himalayan tradition it is understood that the focus and source of these teachings is one: the divine centre of Infinite Space and non-dual aw
4 brewok ini kalo gw inget2 di series nya jadi lawan wiro yg pertama yah, abis turun gunung... bener, buku pertamanya emg ini. Dan kepala gengnya yg bunuh Bapak-Ibu nya Wiro. masi penasaran, ntar tato 212 nya pake angka / aksara apa ya? apa ditulis didada tetep 212 gitu aja.....