Gila itu jalur neraka (tanah abang) bisa sampe sepi banget ckckck. coba ya tiap hari kayak gitu :matabelo
the dark side of the moon, album pink floyd yg paling adiktif menurut ane happy eargasm with pink floyd :beer:
The Crystal ship, lagu paporit ane tuh gan :Peace: baru tau ternyata makna likirnya begitu hehe :D btw, break on through nya mana gan?
"Everyone with their little perspective. Perspective shuts out the universe, it keeps the love out." ~~Taking woodstock~~ ane paling suka pas kata2 "Perspective shuts out the universe" gan, artinya "Sudut pandanglah yg mempersempit dunia" :2thumbup
haru banget gan, apalagi pas akhir2 cerita, bulu kuduk ane langsung berdiri pas baca bagian2 terakhir. nice share :Yb