you are programmer? how cool. I'm a programmer too but without middle R and one M so it's just P.R.O G.A.M.E.R,thats right,you make the game and i play it since you're programmer make sure you watch Silicon Valley on HBO,its really good fresh new series though. :cendols I dont really believe y
*reserved I will update this with story later, Shall we only post our own experience or the original story of our life or we could just copy and paste stories from other sources just like what you did ? :bingungs Any stories, yeah you can copy paste
A little bit funny as you want to give punishments that you are not capable of. Both of them. I feel like reading someone else's story rather than sharing mine. I don't have anything special to share, so I look forward to reading yours. I know... gosh, keep it cool
GAJE LOE !!! Tujuan agan kyk gini ngapain ya sebenarnya, apa ga ada kerjaan atau emang bodoh. Sdh saya lapor hansip
hati2 gan sm deep web, bisa jadi efek negatif buat psikologis kita :berdukas nih Deep Web. The Secret Web: Where Drugs, Porn and Murder Live Online quote dr website : The FBI believes Ulbricht is a criminal known online as the Dread Pirate Roberts, the owner and administrator of Silk Road, an onl...
Hey Teo, Perhaps I can help you. I am now a high school student from SMAN 1 Bekasi. We are very active in our English Club gatherings. And we would be REALLY interested if there are other English Clubs gatherings, especially from a University like you guys. If you like, I can give you a contact inf
gan numpang nanya dong, ane dapet soal ini gan 1. Hitung jumlah molekul Fe2(SO4)3 2. Hitung jumlah atom Fe2(SO4)3 Mohon bantuannya gan:malus Makasih:) ane jg dapet soal kyk gitu gan, tapi ane dapet beberapa senyawa abis itu suruh itung mana yang paling besar jumlah molekul nya
sistem pendidikan kita itu crooked, alias ancur. terlalu teoritis dan kaku, berpegang pada sesuatu yang salah dan batu. ane yang sekarang merasakan jadi pelajar 3 smp, kualahan. udah bosen denger kata2 un, try out, ujian. mungkin hal ini sudah biasa bagi mantan pelajar, tapi kita pasti pernah be
woi nubitol bodoh bisa baca gak?? BERITA & POLITIK bukan KISAH, BERITA & POLITIK :D balik lw ke tong sampah (baca :lounge) :fuck repost lagi :nohope: busett dah.. :nohope
menurut cnet, harganya sekitar USD 700-800 gile menang merk ini mah :shutup:, tapi emang desainnya top :thumbup
wew TS dewa :matabelo: lagi dengerin Jelly Roll Morton aja nih gan... musiknya... kental asli klasik orang" (maaf) black jaman dahulu..