JenggotMacan Dear candidate, Thank you for your participation in Chevron IndoAsia Business Unit hiring program. This is to inform you that currently we are still reviewing the interview results for the position you applied for as we have several numbers of candidates who meet the criteria
JenggotMacan kayanya sih jdny cadangan Gan.. mungkin udah ada yg dipanggil mcu, trus jd cadangannya. Yah kmungkinan kecil sih gan kynya lolos kl dgantung. If, in the next 3 months, you do not hear from us on your status, that means we have decided to proceed with another candidate, or the position
DIEDIET08121991 zambrica Belum ada nih. Sama2 interview FE Project gan? Kemarin sy interview tgl 21 agust, kalo udah lama gini berarti mending g usah terlalu berharap kayanya ya... (ini kalo saya, dikabarin syukur tp kl g dkbrin y udah life goes on aja - business as usual). Mungkin ga sih kalau ga
DIEDIET08121991 bukan gan, maksud saya ada yg fe project udh dpt kabar blm, sama2 lagi harap2 ditelpon mksdny