ini morouga yang aneh om :matabelo aneh apanya nih om? makasih ya om B2S, moruganya bagus banget. Jadi tanaman hias deh
masih ada gak om sisa seedsnya? :D kayaknya ane jatuh cinta ni,,,:kiss sama moruga Wah udah abis om ini bibit tahun lalu punya, bunganya gagal terus sampe ane semprot pake magic gro, akhirnya ngepod 2 biji om
wah...salken ya om..:shakehand2 btw poto moruganya gak kelihatan ya om..:think: maap om. gagal upload tadi, udah diedit kok
Salam kenal om dan tante, nih postingan ane yang pertama di thread cabe. Ini cabe moruga ane yang bibitnya dapet dari om BackToSChool pas ane beli mixPV. Thx om :cendolbig :cendolbig :cendolbig
Palembang emang ideal jadi tempat tinggal gan. Kotanya termasuk bersih, jalannya lebar, taman-taman kotanya asri dan di separator jalan pasti ada pohonnya gan. Air bersih juga ada terus biasanya, dan jarang ada ribut-ribut antar kelompok, apalagi SARA Paling penting, makanannya enak gan!!! :matabel
if my statement hurts u so much i truly sorry for that, i don't mean that.\nIt is very funny how HIV virusses can make it through the PMI's blood regulation or things like that. I am a civilian that didn't know much about blood, and PMI blood is the only hope when a civilian li...
\n\ndon't tell me you haven't read 'bout it man...\n\nwell yeah...sorry bout that, here it is. Sit and read it yourself :\nSekitar 10 persen darah yang disumbangkan sukarelawan ke Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI) Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat, selama 2008 lalu meng...
\n\nbe careful, 20% of their blood stock are HIV positive, i mean it. It was stated in Kompas 2 days ago
oi oi it's monday already ^^, gotta busy now\n\nYea, u can always laugh and laugh here\nu know, in fact people of Palembang mostly have high sense of humor \nwe commonly refer it as "kelakar", isn't it 'wong kito'?:D
miss your home? just take 50 minutes flight from jakarta heheheh easy right?\nfrom bandung just take the toll road...i forgot what's the name...Cipularang eh?
haha...feels bad when mom is not around eh?\n\nusually when i got fever it'll just go away in few days w/o medicine, just need to rest, and eat well\n\nif i not mistaken, no medicine can get rid the virus except your body's immune system CMIIW