Nice share gan, you're right man,keep going on and carry on for this country!! :matabelo:matabelo :2thumbup:2thumbup HAYLEY NICHOLE WILLIAMS
ane cukup yg personal juga cukup. ane pernah kerja dipizza hut gan. lama2 bosen juga makan pizza(bkn bermaksut sombong)#justshare Haaallllahaaaaaaaaah!!!! evy rotation:ngakak :ngakak
Klo ane itu gan Hall of Fame Yeah, you can be the greatest You can be the best You can be the King Kong banging on your chest You could beat the world You could beat the war You could talk to God, go banging on his door You can throw your hands up You can beat the clock (yeah) You can move a m
Iya gan lagu A7X mang bagus2x gan!! ngga kaya lgu indo gan yang isi alay semua gan keep posting gan :matabelo:matabelo
wahh keren gan ampe terharu ane liatnya :matabelo:matabelo keep posting gan!! :thumbup:thumbup:thumbup:thumbup
wkakawkawkakwkaw mampus loe !!!!! pantatnya item gan hahahahah biasa abis be*** kaga dibersihin TSnya pasti :betty:betty:betty:betty:betty