gan, ane ada rencana buat beli PSU, cuman bagusan mana Corsair RM650 atau Seasonic G650 ? (trus yang G650 pure ga?)
Aerosoft - Varanasi Simbreeze - Hurghada etc, try asking me via PM, make sure you don't exceed your mailbox capacity :Yb
before asking here make sure to look at here first:
As you know, the first thread had been closed, this is the new one Here's the rules : 1. Make sure you mention your type of simulation (FSX/FS2004) first before requesting , we don't want to get confused 2. fsx/fs2004 ONLY!! 3. fell free to share any add on here 4. NO DEBATES !!! 5. If there's no...
actually, you can download the patch 1.1 from the tropicalsim website, but you require a serial for it :berdukas , i suggest you look for the 1.0 version first. NOTE : If you also had problem with TS - Porto for AES FS9/X , the patch is available in the website too. :sundulgans
Aerosoft Stavanger X V1.01 for FSX by Tmoos Use following info to register the setup: Email: Serial: 7LL0sqvHuuW875vgjf226arrisT307zq+fD5pPmk+aQ= 1.Install Aerosoft Stavanger X V1.01 and select to NOT install Aerosoft Launcher at the end. 2.Extract the included aerosoft fol...
GSX atau AES gan GSX : Semua bandara bisa dicapai termasuk bandara FSX, belum ada bajakannya AES : Hanya bandara tertentu dan ada scenerynya sendiri, bajakannya bertaburan dimana-mana
kalo menurut ane 787 yang ada di market itu cuman abacus, tapi ada satu lagi dari jepang, namanya aerosim, jauh lebih bagus dari abacus
kalo mau buka (ane pake fsx) D:/Program files/microsoft games/microsoft flight simulator X/Aerosoft/Aes/AESCONFIG coba ini : (dengan bahan bakar hampir kosong) Nosewheel : 15.25 Front : 14.20, -1.65, 2.50, 5 Rear Cargo : -8.75, 0.65, 1.45 Front Cargo : 10.70, 0.70, 1.25 sori yang rear belum ada,...