Wah agan ini anak metal banget :metal Metalheads :metal sejati :o metalhead apaan gan ?? ane mah hipster yang cuman ikut ikutan doang .. Akhir akhir ini lagi suka dengerin DnB sama EDM :matabelo: enak banget ternyata, baru tau :( ... ada yang mau rekomen artistnya gak?? :ngacir: ninggalin jej
Yuk gan, yang tastenya mirip mirip di add ya :beer: I'm into deathcore, metalcore, progressive metal, death metal and hardcore, including: Periphery, Veil of Maya, Bleed from Within, Opeth, Impending Doom, Feint, The Luna Sequence, Whitechapel, The Human Abstract, Architects, Yersinia, The Facele...
Request gan The Luna Sequence - The Day the Curse Grew Stronger tolong dicariin, ngebet banget inih :matabelo:
I'm into deathcore, post-hardcore, metalcore, drum and bass and hardcore, including: Bleed from Within, Feint, Cutline, Periphery, One Morning Left, Yersinia, Thy Art Is Murder, The Soulless, Sienna Skies, Asking Alexandria, A Wanted Awakening, Kvelertak, Madilyn Bailey, Saosin, Ben Moon, Younha,...
http://fxdteam.com/lastcloud/i.php?i=Imperativa-_-3month-_-black-_- I'm into metalcore, hardcore, drum and bass, post-hardcore and deathcore, including: Feint, subformat, Bleed From Within, Ben Moon, Two Thirds, Flying Steps, Hopes Die Last, Varien, Black Sun Empire. Check out my music taste: http
http://lastfm.dontdrinkandroot.net/tools/user/tagcloud/Imperativa/12month/upper_thumb.png Check out my music taste: http://www.last.fm/user/Imperativa
kalo di scrobbler yg dulu di Help > Diagnostics ... kalau scrobber yg baru update itu di Scrobbles ... kalau konek ama Internet langsung ke upload di profil tapi kalau gk konek ... udah jelas perginya ke cache track I'm into metalcore, post-hardcore, hardcore, deathcore and screamo, includin...
buset miara cache track gan? :p banyak bener lagi sampe 9k :matabelo: udah lama kagak ngisi modem gan hehehe :D maklum jadinya tracknya stuck dalem cache track :o
Ada yang tau kenapa kok waktu ane upload semua cache track ane yang ada di scrobbler (totalnya 9000 ++) yg ke upload cuman 2000 ++ :( sekarang di scrobbler ane cache nya udah 0 lagi kok bisa error gitu gan :(
lama ga setor I'm into metalcore, deathcore, progressive metal, hardcore and metal, including: Vildhjarta, Architects, Suffokate, Whitechapel, Opeth, Chelsea Grin, As I Lay Dying, Deathspell Omega, культура курения, The Faceless, Magrudergrind, Heaven Shall Burn, Fellsilent, Norma Je
pengalaman gw subscribe sih .. lama lama threadnya bakalan ilang di CP ... kalau bookmark tinggal buka browser langsung klik bookmark'an kita, langsung sampai ke tujuan .. ga perlu buka CP dulu baru nge direct ke thread yg di subscribe :D
kalo gitu coba cari lewat search google pake keyword "site:kaskus (masukin nama thread yg ingin dicari disini)" atau cari link lewat history browser ente ... kalo gw sih ... tritnya gw bookmark :bookmarks
I'm into deathcore, metalcore, death metal, hardcore and progressive metal, including: Whitechapel, Suffokate, Architects, Born Of Osiris, Veil Of Maya, Chelsea Grin, Vildhjarta, TesseracT, Deathspell Omega, The Human Abstract, Thy Art Is Murder, Arms and Sleepers, Norma Jean, Abnormality, ...
I'm into deathcore, hardcore, metalcore, death metal and progressive metal, including: Suffokate, Whitechapel, Architects, Vildhjarta, As I Lay Dying, Arms and Sleepers, Veil Of Maya, Born Of Osiris, Chelsea Grin, Asking Alexandria, Gorillaz, TesseracT, Sonic Syndicate, Aliases, Deathspell ...
library gw error :nohope: ... tapi kalau scrobbling, playcountnya tetep nambah sih hehe :D ... ok ok aja kalo gitu mah Edit: punya gw udah Fix :D
numpang eksis gan .... I'm into deathcore, metalcore, black metal, progressive metal and hardcore, including: Suffokate, Vildhjarta, Architects, Whitechapel, As I Lay Dying, Opeth, Asking Alexandria, Chelsea Grin, TesseracT, Arms and Sleepers, Gorillaz, Deathspell Omega, Carnifex, Sonic Syn...