\n\n\n\nAlou bro....\nBisa kok passwordnya....\nsy udah coba bisa...\nbaru selesai donlot cd 1 nya sih :malu:\nlagi donlot cd 2 nya nih\nudah dicoba maenin hasilnya mantuap bro....\nskrg sih udah nyampe "Burmecia"...no lag...gambar, suara n FMVnya...
Wuahh.... Ni thread muantap bener.....:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:\nI nubie nih...\nMo nanya bole gak?:confused:\nBukan request loh...;)\n\nUdah ada yg uplodin game The Settlers : Rise of the Empire &\nLOTR Battle for Mid Earth : Rise of The Witch King gak yah di thread ini...