Agan agans, Ane br beli hrv dan dpt gratisan vcool 20%.. Kebetulan mau upgrade ke vcool 40% krn masalah keamanan (buat dibawa sama istri).. Ditawarin sama salesnya nambah 1 juta.. Murah apa mahal ya gan? Trus untuk kamera parkir mundur, kira2 pasang dimana ya? Ane cuma dpt sensor parking.. Tha
kalo elektronik bro... murahan beli di indo apa uk?? computer/laptop , rice cooker kecil , midi controller and midi interface... \n\nthanks bame
You gave me love - DJ kawasaki\n\nalthough the song doesn't have many lyrics and have lots of broken english...\n\nthe refrain of the song is so catchy...\n\n:ilovekaskus