donglod aja yg resolusi kecil jgn yang hd ato 720p biar hemat kuota gan :iloveindonesias Youtube Downloader is a free web application that allows you to download videos from YouTube. All you need is the URL of the page that has the video you want to download. Enter it in the textbox below and si
Youtube Downloader is a free web application that allows you to download videos from YouTube. All you need is the URL of the page that has the video you want to download. Enter it in the textbox below and simply click 'Download'. Youtube downloader will then fetch download links in all possible f...
beneran pilotnya masih tes??? :capedes ibarat mahasiswa mash magang tuh pilot???? Namanya Test Pilot bukan berarti dia pilot baru gan, tapi dia tugasnya adalah menguji pesawat2 keluaran terbaru dari Pabrikan Sukhoi... Istilahnya Pilot Penguji...