Coba ke - Just cuts - Salon express - Sina (como) yang di ct jga banyak tuh ga jelas tp harganya berapa, yang deketnnya chilliz. Kalo ga gt ya beli alat cukurnya itu.... terus minta hosmet nyukurin.
TOSHIBA TV LCD 32, type 32AV600A Asking price AUD 450. umurnya masi blon setaon, masih ada warranty. kalo mau buruan neehhh... dijual gara2 mendadak harus for good. Jual juga kulkas, and Mobil. TOYOTA CAMRY, thn 2000, warna pale green. TYPE : CSI.2.2L asking PRICE AUS 3800,-, good condition, 230....
Whirpool WRI21UW 212 litres. Under one year old, still under warranty, white colour pick up gosnells area.. Bought at $600.00, sell for $375.. Please call: 0435563753
Catering delivery area. Zone 1: Rivervale, Carlisle, Cloverdale, Victoria Park, East Vic Park, Booragoon, Kensington, St James, Bentley, Karawara, Como, Manning, South Perth, Wilson, Queens Park, East Cannington, Beckenham, Ferndale, Langford, Lynwood, Parkwood, Shelley, Willetton, Rossmoyne, Sal...
iya gan, meal. jadi 1 sayur, 2 meats, 1 rice and soup (clear soup). mo pesen??? :P maap chan, kalo mandurah ga sanggup gua..... bisa mampus gua di jalan... mana lagi panas2 begini lagi. :P gua tadi kepikir mo ketik 1 1, tapi bakalan panjgna bgt tuh LOL... gua ketik abis gini deh berhubung sesep...
catering buat south area from $12.00 per day. Delivering monday to friday, including public holiday. Pm gua kalo interested. thanks.
For sale Toyota Corolla CSI 1992, 1.6 EVI Twincam Km: 215,000 kms New whole body muffler New timing belt New water pump 15" Sport Alloy Cool Air con Good engine and quiet Price: $2500 Negotiable Interested? call 0430 507 888 Leave a msg if phone is not answered.