Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen\n\n\n"One man! Alone! Betrayed by the country he loves!"\n\n"My father was the wheel! The first wheel! And do you know what he transformed into? Nothing! But he did so with honor! Dignity!"\n\n"Not to call yo...
apa ya tdinya nungguin transformers skrang nunggu harpot iron man II spiderman 4 uh masi lama semua :hammer:
apa yah , dri segi overall \narmageddon\nthe dark knight\nstar wars saga\nstar trek 2009\njurassic park\ntoy story\nspidey saga\n:p\n\nkalo dri segi cgi sih ud pasti\ntransformers <-- ga ada matinya :D
are you happy the way you are right now? coz if you do, then i'll leave you slowly . . . ^^\n\n\ndirevise dong kalo ada yg salah haha thxx
help me to revise it,\n\n\n"I feel like i'm crying inside, but i have to pretend that i'm not and keep going.. waiting for the day to come.. it's so painful"