Cara kerjanya sama kyak tv tuner kah gan? Tipi di rumah jadul soalnya. Kali aja bisa di anuin ke pc 😁 iya gann.. seperti android tv.. bisa ubah tv biasa jadi smart tv..
Cara Instalasi WhatsApp untuk PC Lama dinanti, WhatsApp versi desktop akhirnya resmi dirilis. Pengumuman hadirnya aplikasi chatting versi komputer ini disampaikan langsung oleh CE
banyak bgt ya pilihannyaa... ane lg bingung nih milih diantara xtreamer multi-console atau minix neo x8.. keperluan sih bkn cm utk nonton, tp jg utk kegunaan internetnya.. bisa untuk nonton dr hardisk, streaming, denger lagu online, browsing, dll.. seperti mini pc gt yg terhubung ke tv. ada saran
The Best Recipes in the World: More Than 1,000 International Dishes to Cook at Home by Mark Bittman Requirements: ePUB Reader, 9/9.5 MB Overview: With his million-copy bestseller How to Cook Everything, Mark Bittman made the difficult doable. Now he makes the exotic accessible. In this highly ambi
Singapore Cooking: Fabulous Recipes from Asia's Food Capital by Terry Tan and Christopher Tan Requirements: ePUB Reader, 8.27MB Overview: An abiding Singaporean passion, food is a central part of life on this multicultural island. Singapore Cooking is a fabulous collection of beloved local class...
Hershey's Chocolate Cookbook by Hershey Foods Corporation Requirements: PDF Reader, 16.7MB Overview: Luscious cakes, irrestibles pies, scrumptious cookies, creamy puddings, mouth-watering candies, sinfully rich frostings and sauces. Hershey's Chocolate Cookbook features more than 150 delicious rec
The Big Book of Easy Suppers: 270 Delicious Recipes for Casual Everyday Cooking by Maryana Vollstedt Requirements: ePUB or Mobi Reader, 2.78MB Overview: What nine-to-fiver, busy mom or stay-at-home dad isnt looking for the Big Easy? Enter the next title in the best-selling Big Book seriesa guara...
Requirements: Varies with device Overview: ASTRO File Manager has over 13 million downloads on the Android Market and allows you to easily manage all of your files on your phone or tablet. Pictures, music, documents, videos... ASTRO is in most Top Ten Android App lists and has been recommended in...
KitKat 4.4 Launcher Theme v2.4 Requirements: 2.3 and up Overview: Ultimate KitKat 4.4 Experience Launcher Theme is a brand new multi-launcher theme designed for all Android launchers, inspired by forthcoming Android 4.4 OS and the latest Nexus 5 leaks! Get the latest Android OS look with the mos...
Agan2 sekalian, sorry nihh... newbie mau nanya.. (maap yaa kl pertanyaannya bodoh).. ane mau install file yg dmg.001, dmg.002, dmg.003, dsb.. di mac ane dah ada stuffit. gmn yah cara install file tsb? kl di search katanya cm double klik di dmg.001.. tp ini kl ane double klik keluarnya aplikasi st...
Agan2 sekalian, sorry nihh... newbie mau nanya.. (maap yaa kl pertanyaannya bodoh).. ane mau install file yg dmg.001, dmg.002, dmg.003, dsb.. di mac ane dah ada stuffit. gmn yah cara install file tsb? kl di search katanya cm double klik di dmg.001.. tp ini kl ane double klik keluarnya aplikasi st...
Nih, Saingan Juke R Bertenaga Besar dari Inggris Pennsylvania, KompasOtomotif - Keberhasilan Nissan Inggris menciptakan Juke R bertenaga 400 PS, ada yang gerah dan ingin menyainginya. Fox Marketing (FM), rumah modifikasi dari Amerika membuat tandingan dengan tenaga yang sama, tapi beda dalam pen...