Wow! I'm pretty shocked to see the hot news! I don't really adore Thai female celebs that much, it's only Punpun that really caught my eye. Thanks to agan Benilee and Khun Olaymako for the info. I'm gonna me her sooooo much.. :berdukas :berdukas - In this case , her family has decided to restrai
gan ane lagi suka banget sama lagu2 yang ada d film hormones. pas Pu sama Mai nyanyi d awal, Jo sama C dansa, trus pas Jo telfon C, C nya lagi d kamar mandi, trus sama pas scene C nolak Jo. ada yang tau judulnya gan? makasih :malus ada di laptop adek ane nih. nanti ane tanyain dulu ke dia, baru ane
extra virgin olive oil selain buat diminum langsung bisa buat apa lg ya gan? :bingungs rasanya jg aneh2 gmana gitu, kalo gak kuat bisa langsung mual habis minum :ngakaks kalo buat goreng menggoreng biasanya emang extra light ane :D bisa buat macem-macem banget..salad dressing, finishing touch masa
He has read my comments (under the name of TH-Angel) in social network that always complained about the Philippine fans and always praise for the Indonesian fans,... ============================ White Road White love is a documentary short movie - story Ad from the Toyota company. To e
Does anyone know about White Road White Love? It's another GTH series. I've watched the first episode without subtitles and successfully got confused. :ngakak The main cast is Toey (Jarinporn Junkiet) which is now cuter than in her Dear Galileo movie. I saw her in Indonesian female magazine about
wuiiihh.. itu pemera cewek yg jadi tokoh utama di fim my name is love bukan ya?? :wowcantik bukaaaan. beda, gan. yang di my name is love namanya Tunyasuphan Jirapreechanon. https://fbcdn-sphotos-
@khun olaymako @all Gak da yg punya link-nya me...myself n happy birthday yah...sumpah pnasaran bgt ma 2 film itu... ane ada nih link Me..Myself. tapi buat streaming, soalnya ane waktu itu juga nontonnya onlen aja. part 1 Me..Myself alias Khaw Hai rak Jong Jaroen.
Yes, long time no see u in this thread..hehe I was quite busy too lately Hope u can post again in this thread and its funny when u trasnlate Tukang bubur Naik Haji..hehe I know my English is not perfect, but at least I try though. :ngakak I think the secret success of this series is to use the
I forgot my initial intention to post. I initially want to ask khun Olaymako and khun Satorn about the girl who acted as Seascape (Tar's new band) vocalist in Hormones ep.2. Her voice is nice and powerful, it has some remarkable characteristic. I wonder if she is also famous as a singer or not. W...
itu cuma film pendek buat promo singlenya Kao Jirayu Laongmanee, kerja sama bareng Pepsi juga. endingnya di viclipnya Jirayu kalo ane ga salah inget. I'm not really sure about what TV series to recommend, because I rarely watch Indonesian TV channels. I'm only interested in Indonesian cooking a...
numpang tanya, udah berapa lama ya agan mengkonsumsi minyak hati ikan kod ? dalam sehari berapa banyak konsumsinya ? agan sendiri merasa memiliki kemampuan kognitif yang berbeda tidak dari teman-teman seusia agan ? misal lebih cepat berhitung, lebih mudah mengingat, lebih mudah memahami ... ? w
sepuh :matabelo: CLTCL memang tob bgt dah. walaupun d indo cerita macam gini udah sekelas eftipi :berbusa ada info pilm bru apa lgi nie puh? mumpung ane lgi d darat, jadi pingin bles dendam. nonton semua film :malus eh sepuhhh..apa kabar puh? :malus hahaha. sebel ane..di Indo banyak yang pengen b
yah sayang banget, gan. bagus loh padahal. kalo yang lama-lama sih liat aja di pekiwan, ato ga cek gan**l dan IDWS. :D Mereka sering kerjasama dalam berbagai proyek (sinetron/lakorn, pemotretan, bintang tamu event dsb). Karena dianggap serasi, mereka sering digosipin pacaran, artis lain juga su...
How do you know about JKT48? :ngakak They're very popular for youngsters, but I don't think so with the adults. i think the adults only notice some girlbands who debuted earlier than them (Cherrybelle or 7icons). Well at least my parents, my older family members and older colleagues don't know m...
ane ga ngikutin musik Thai, gan. ga ngerti.. :D I hope it will end soon. I hope it will not distract Davika's attention to her works too much. It's a pity, she's still so young and has the bright future for her career. I really want to watch her acting in more movies. I don't want it to be ruin...
gan, kalo dari bandung ke surabaya naik kereta api ekonomi ada gak ya? ato yg paling murah tarifnya gan, ane mau backpacking ni rencana september nanti ada kereta Pasundan dari Kircon ke Stasiun Gubeng Surabaya, berangkat jam 5 pagi. tiketnya 38ribu. CMIIW.
Davikah and baifern don't have the same manager. They are the stars in the same Channel TV contract , (channel 7) ----- Davikah used to have the same manager with Mario and Nadech, but not anymore. About 3 months ago, her contract with this manager was expired and she didn't want to renew it.
looks like davikah and baifern is really close each other.. Davikah always post a pic with baifern together.. :kisss They have the same manager, so they often hang out together. Just like Mario-Nadech. :D Gan nattasha Nauljam main film apa aja ya selain suckseed? udah seriiiiiing banget ditanyain.
You're right. This MV clip ---with ENG SUB 3mJBAjHoMMk Thanks a lot for additional infos.. :kiss Btw I downloaded and watched the Kamikaze video. It was really funny.. :D
terlalu sedih Friendship mah. Ane sih ga kuat. Misuh-misuh gitu setengah film.. :malus --- Ane addict sih bukan karna endingnya sih. Lebih karena ide cerita yang sederhana tapi eksekusinya bagus. Cukup bikin seger ya, di saat sutradara Indonesia lagi hobi banget bikin lagu bertema 'berat'..tapi ...