Bro sandi.. Keep calm bro. Itu yg komen2 ngak jelas biarin aja. Ini ane SR. Tiap hari buka kaskus pantau thread agan bro. Lanjutkan..
Keren gan!!! Agan pnya tmn tak kasat mata.. Cerita lanjut ya.. Kita pantau terus.. Tinggalin jejak dulu.. :sup:
pertamax.. lol.. jadilah lagu pertamax.. "SUNGGUH ANEH TAPI NYATA, TAKKAN TERULANG... " (ala Chirsye) :ngakak
Keren gan... Jgn pernah menyerah.. Dimana ada kemauan. Disitu Tuhan pasti menyediakan jalan.. Semoga ente jg bisa sukses seperti agan.. Amin.
Gini Mas.... Katanya Mas Johnny depp "if you already have a wife / girlfriend, & you love her so much, but on the other hand, there's a girl that comes to you & makes you in love with her, choose the second one.... Because if you really love the first one, you wouldn't had fallen for th
Kembali ke diri msg2 gann.. Hehehe.. Ane percaya koq.. iTu sbagai wadah aj.. Hehehe.. Tp yg pasti byk2 b'doa gan.. Percaya ma yg MAha KUasa..