gan ane punya penyakit ruam keringat baru2 ini kalo beli salep di apotek namanya apa ya gans? tenkyu gans :)b
I tried to make a minimal and yet functional home screen that matches the style of the status bar (stock 2.3.5). Minimalistic text displays date, weather and the first two entries of the calendar. ( It looks much better on a real, black phone, since just the icons, and text glow in the dark.
I tried to make a minimal and yet functional home screen that matches the style of the status bar (stock 2.3.5). Minimalistic text displays date, weather and the first two entries of the calendar. ( It looks much better on a real, black phone, since just the icons, and text glow in the dark.
I tried to make a minimal and yet functional home screen that matches the style of the status bar (stock 2.3.5). Minimalistic text displays date, weather and the first two entries of the calendar. ( It looks much better on a real, black phone, since just the icons, and text glow in the dark.
siang gan 1.gan itu di dagu ane ada kasar bintik2 itu apaan yak? cara ilanginya gimana? 2.apakah agan tau tentang vitiligo? tenkyu gan